193nd General Court - Bills To Watch

Click on Bill # to read position paper and full bill text. A condensed list of bills and their status can be downloaded here: MassFed Bills To Watch. Click here to download the MassFed Hearing Schedule.

Note: MassFed Priority Bills are shown in Dark Red Bold and are organized by Committee assignment.

If you cannot attend a hearing you may submit written testimony via email!

Click on the Committee name for Committee Members and their contact information.
This chart will be updated as bill text is received and analyzed. Updated: 07/26/24 3pm.

Bill # Sponsor Name/Description Position Hearing Action
Joint Committee on Agriculture (JCA) 617-722-1540
HB95 Rep. Adam Scanlon (D) An Act relative to the definition of livestock x x New Draft HB4387
Joint Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (JEN) 617-722-1555
SB548  Sen. Patrick O'Connor (R) An Act protecting dogs at boarding kennels and daycare facilities OPPOSE 11/8/23 A2 and Virtual 04/22/24 to Senate Ways Means
HB835  Rep. Hannah Kane (R) An Act protecting dogs at boarding kennels and daycare facilities OPPOSE 11/8/23 A2 and Virtual

Extention until 4/12/24

SB549 Sen. Patrick O'Connor (D) An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in new pet shops OPPOSE 11/8/23 A2 and Virtual 06/13/24 new draft SB2820 
SB550 Sen. Patrick O'Connor (D) An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet shops OPPOSE 11/8/23 A2 and Visual 06/13/24 report favorable- new draft SB2820
HB826 Sen. Natalie Higgins (D) An Act banning the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in new pet shops OPPOSE 11/8/23 A2 and Virtual

Extension until 4/12/24

HB850 Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D) An Act concerning the use of animals in product testing x 11/8/23 A2 and Virtual Extension until 4/12/24
SB533 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act to provide additional funding for animal welfare and safety programming x 11/8/23 A2 and Virtual Sent to Study
Joint Committee on Municipalities and Regional Government (JMR) 617-722-1291 or 617-722-2090
HB2027 Rep. Bruce Ayers (D) An Act Relative to puppy mills x 9/26 B1 and Virtual 02/08/24 Extension until 6/14/24
SB1309 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act to increase kennel safety aka Ollie’s Law OPPOSE 9/26 B1 and Virtual 02/08/24 Extension until 06/14/24
HB2019 Rep. Brian M. Ashe (D) An Act to increase kennel safety, aka Ollie’s Law OPPOSE 9/26 B1 and Virtual Referred to House Steering; HWM amendments adopted; new draft HB4919; passed to be engrossed
SB1059 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals x x x

Rep. Angelo Puppolo (D) An Act enhancing the issuance of citations for cruel conditions for animals x 9/26 B1 and Vrtual 02/08/24 Extension until 06/14/24
SB1310 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act to preserve the eternal bonds between people and their animals SUPPORT 9/26 B1 and Virtual 06/17/24 Sent to Study
SB1311 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act relative to updating animal health inspections x 9/26 B1 and Virtual 06/17/24 Sent to Study
HB2117 Rep. David T. Vieira (D) An Act relative to dangerous dogs x 9/26 B1 and Virtual 02/08/24 Extention until 06/17/24
HB314 Rep. Danielle W. Gregoire (D) An Act to provide consumer protections at dog day care businesses SUPPORT 9/26 B1 and Vikrtual 02/08/24 Extension until 06/14/24
Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities (JCF) 617-722-1514 or 617-722-2011
SB90 Sen. Adam Gomez (D) An Act relative to animal welfare and DCF regulations x x 02/07/24 Reported favorably attached to HB198 HWM
HB198 Rep. Jack Patrick Lewis (D) An Act relative to animal welfare and DCF regulations x x 02/07/24 Reported Favorably attached to SB90; 02/16/24 Referred to HWM
Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure (JCP) 617-722-1230 or 617-722-2014
SB207 Sen. Jake Oliveira (D) An Act regulating the practice and licensure of veterinary technicians x x 10/18/23 attached to favorable report of HB332
HB310 Rep. Carlos Gonzalez (D) An Act relative to pet grooming x x 02/06/24 Sent to Study
Joint Committee the Judiciary (JJU) 617-722-1120 or 617-722-2396
SB1118 Sen. Michael F. Rush (D) An Act further clarifying dog bite liability x x 02/05/24 Sent to Study
SB1076 Sen. Michael Moore (D) An Act relative to the ownership of pets by convicted animal abusers x x 03/28/24 Extension until 04/30/24
HB1557 Rep. Steven S. Howitt (R) An Act relative to establishing an animal abuse registry x x x
SB1056 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act relative to improving enforcement for tethering violations x x 02/05/24 Sent to Study
SB1142 Sen. John Velis (D) An Act relative to the humane protection of animals x x 03/28/24 Extension until 04/30/24
HB1718 Rep. Ted Phillips (D) An Act relative to the humane protection of animals x x 02/05/24 Extension until 04/30/24
HB1730 Rep. David Robertson (D) An Act relative protecting cats and dogs from slaughter x x 02/05/24 Sent to Study
HB1655 Rep. Jay D. Livingstone (D) An Act increasing fair housing protections for victims of abusive behavior x x 02/05/24 Sent to Study
Joint Committee on Housing (JHO) 617-722-1634 or 617-722-2575
SB876 Sen. Anne Gobi (D) An Act to maintain stable housing for families with pets in an economic crisis and beyond x x 03/18/24 Extension until 04/12/24
Joint Committee on Public Health (JPH) 617-722-1570 or 617-722-2130
SB1424 Sen. Mark Montigny (D) An Act promoting humane cosmetics and other household products by limiting the use of animal testing x x 03/18/24 Extension until 04/12/24
Joint Committee on Public Safety & Homeland Security (JPSF) 617-722-1643 or 617-722-2230
HB2424 Rep, Steven Xiarhos (D) An Act establishing a fund for the care of retired police dogs x x 02/12/24 Extension until 04/08/24
Joint Committee Revenue (JRV) 617-722-1330 or 617-722-2320
HB2899 Rep. David Muradian (R) An Act providing tax credits to promote the adoption of a dog or cat from a shelter x x 02/07/24 Sent to Study
No Committee Assignments
HD3318 Rep. Matthew Muratore (R) An Act relative to a sales tax exemption for animal medication prescribed by veterinarians x x x
HD2903 Rep. Bruce J. Ayers (D) An Act establishing tax credits for the adoption of cats and dogs x x x